Natural by Alan Levinovitz - A Review

"For the majority of us, however, faith in nature’s goodness only affects certain aspects of our lives—some food choices here and there, or maybe that expensive organic mattress for the baby’s crib. Even so, it is important to recognize that the effects of a lukewarm faith are not limited to individuals’ decisions. Nature worship infuses culture in myriad ways, its power hidden under the sediment of time and built into the unconscious demands of custom and language, making it all the more difficult to recognize and challenge."

Natural argues against dogmatism when it comes what we assume to be natural and what is not concerning food, culture, and ways of life.

There are reasonable arguments about how what was initially conceived as unnatural can be beneficial to humanity (for example, the advent of fertilizer). The author also put forward arguments about how actions that some might think is the natural way of things can be a cloak for bigotry and evil (eugenics, mixed-race marriages, etc).

This is a work that is not for either side of the argument but much on the side of balance, reason, and humanity.


For anyone who loves the environment and wants to do their best to care for the earth.

Many thanks to Random House for a review copy.


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